Monday, March 31, 2008

Helvetica the Screening

Who would have guessed there would be so much interest among local designers in a film about typography and specifically that oldie but goodie, Helvetica. This is very encouraging, no? More than 60 people turned up during our last kakireka smalltalk film screening on 21 Mar. The room above OleCafe never looked "cosier". And afterwards, more than half you agreed you're interested in similar typography themed events in future. interesting... hmmm. What shall we do next to top that?

Previously, I've observed young designers nowadays would just use whatever font that comes pre-installed in their Mac/PC and not blink twice. Or the other end of the spectrum for others I have seen would force fit as many font as they can like there's no tomorrow in a single job. That inevitable rojak font circus parade gives that creative edge, no? To each their own, you say? Down with conformity and readability? The rule is that there are no rules? I wonder how many of you who watched the film discovered a new found appreciation for Helvetica or typography in general.

A big thank you to all those who stayed back for that little typo exercise with the kakireka ident. We hold events so designers can meet up & collaborate so we thot of that game to help break the ice. Hope many of you made few new friends that night. But we do appreciate your creative contributions and will showcase all of the new kakireka logos at the top of this blogsite in due time.

We do this to also show you that kakireka is created for all of you and each new designer that comes in contact with kakireka will slowly but surely, help evolve the kakireka brand. So our logo ident will be never be the same, ever-changing, quirky yet trendy.

Many thanks also to our sponsors, OleCafe (venue), BasheerBooks (refreshments). And thankyou to all those who slogged & helped to make that smalltalk a success, incl. Irina's friends who helped with guest registrations. See y'all again on the 7th of April. Details coming soon.

*Pictures and article pinjam-ed from Kakireka


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Kakireka: Helvetica the Movie

Kakireka will be screening Helvetica the Documentary Film on the 21st March (Friday, 8pm) this month, for FREE.
(click on the e-flyer)

21 March SmallTalk: In your (type)face.

Millions of people use and read this typeface every day, on public transport, newspapers, shop fronts and computers. Through interviews with designers and type enthusiasts, the film tells the story of how a typeface drawn by a little-known Swiss designer in 1957 became one of the most popular ways to communicate. Though it has gone in and out of fashion it has never gone away - is this a symptom of globalisation or simply a reflection that it is the ultimate typeface?

Come to the 21 March 7:21 SmallTalk and get close and personal with the world's most popular typeface which celebrated its 50th birthday last year.

Please email us at or, early to get seats as they are only limited to 50


Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Re - Imagining the City

Bookmark your diary again as we've got exciting news, onedotzero will be making an appearance in early April to astound us with his creative project Re-Imagining the City.

Re-Imagining the City focuses on our shared urban future through the eyes of designers, architects, film makers and creatives. Curated by the British Council and onedotzero, Re-Imagining the City is part of CREATIVE CITIES, a cultural and artistic project promoting global citizenship across East Asia.

Through two days of films, visual art and sound, discussion and reflection on the city we inhabit, featuring UK and Malaysian creatives, we will explore the role artists play in how cities are planned and experienced and how they help us understand our surroundings as we view the city through their eyes.

Dates: 5 to 6 April 2008

Watch this space for more updates!

Curated by onedotzero, a compilation of film and moving image exploring the contemporary city experience and evocative interpretations of the urban environment.

D-Fuse and local creatives, artists and, dare we hope, city officials, will gather to discuss the role artists play in shaping the cities in which we live.

By D-Fuse in collaboration with local video artists, a visual examination of Kuala Lumpur, mixed and performed alive.
