Thursday, July 20, 2006

Giving birth to the 'Designer's Directory'

We at de-funk are devoted to always bring new ideas that can improve and give something back to the design community in Malaysia, therefore within the next three months we will be compiling and creating a sub-blog : A directory of printshops, art shops, design galleries and design bookstores in the city of Kuala Lumpur.

The purpose of starting a 'designer's directory' is to benefit and aware all designers (and the public). The designer's directory will contain the following:

*Photograph of the outlet
*Content of the outlet (list of products?, list of services?, etc)
*Contact number & contact person
*Transportation to get there

If anyone wishes to contribute or participate in helping us make this happen please do contact us and we would be very happy.

P.S* we are very happy that some people have found the contract sample useful :)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Local Flavours

Local company (if) interactive have an engaging and interesting website. Their personal philosophy is the belief of fusing technology and creativity together, known to experiment with interactive media and new media, do check out their experimental works that focuses to redefine the meaning of new media and give viewers an engaging experience.

Hazim Abdul Hamid is the brainchild of his creation Blink, specialising in illustration and interactive design with a colourful palette of colours and unique characters & designs. Showing flexiblity with a large diverse direction of portfolio of quality, Hazim and if(interactive) prove that Malaysia does indeed have designers who have talent and in large supply.

how&why bookstore provides a large diversity of products to everyone here in Malaysia, from the latest books and magazines to local merchandises created by local designers to even presenting the very latest of events happening in Malaysia. If you do fancy a read or good books, do drop by as they have a large selection of local and international material and continue to provide an outlet for designers and the public to get tasty treats!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Clients and the 6 keys

Clients are always in need of something different each, from being obsessed with the value of money to constantly needing reassurance whilst even being suspicious of designers and the constant preaching of ‘the value of design’.

Clients can vary from ‘difficult’ to ‘easy’ clients, but similar rules always apply. We must realize an important fact: clients are not our enemy, even if they disagree with you strongly. At a lot of times clients do not understand what ‘design’ or ‘designers’ can do. They do not understand our creative process and work pattern, therefore communication is key to break these barriers. Always remember clients have clients of their own and need reassurance that they made the right choice of selecting you.

Here are 6 key elements when dealing with any Client:

Request for a design brief early in a project
When a client has selected you for a particular project always remember to ask for a very clear and specific brief that is understood and agreed by both parties. This is to avoid future miscommunication in the project. This is also to help you to understand what are the requirements and specifications that are highlighted on the project, which you can always refer back to.

A contract is an important element before actually starting on a project. Price, quotation agreement, terms and conditions must be rectified and agreed upon early. This is a practice considered to show professionalism and also helps protect designers from companies and vice versa and most importantly show TRUST. If a client in the beginning of the project is already unable to make the deposit of 25% or does not wish to use a contract for the project than you can clearly predict problems ahead.

Always be committed, responsible and plan the time management of the project early so that you are able to always finish on time. Clients do not like procrastinators and like to constantly be updated about your development in the project. If you are unable to commit delivering a ‘quality’ piece of work on time due to too many projects on board then do not be selfish and take the project. Clients have clients of their own.

Always make it clear early when meeting clients for the first time inform them about your work patterns, terms and conditions in how you execute the projects. Different clients operate in different manners and might not always agree with your working methods and you should be targeting on a specific ‘niche’ market of your own. All designers should know communication is the most important key in dealing with clients as well with their work.

Other than managing your time and delivering on time, sometimes when put in any difficult or problematic situation when dealing a client, whether a client wishes to pay late or not agreeing to you sign your contract. Never be un-professional with dealings with clients. Even if the relationship of the client-designer has turned sour due to very strong disagreements do not act on emotion and worsen the situation by doing anything rash or saying anything you will regret. Word of mouth travels faster and better than anything and you could be known to be a ‘troublemaker’ to many companies. Also it is always best to remain calm and polite to clients to show that you are a professional.

Be honest with thy Clients
Be honest at all times when dealing with clients and companies. Clients too have feelings and a mind and they can generally understand, and could respect your integrity for it because they know you are 100% behind them in the project and it is always good to believe in the project and the Client.

Monday, July 03, 2006


3nity communications is a local design company that specializes in the design and management of corporate identities. They pride themselves in design solutions which consider local sensitivities while drawing from Asian culture for inspi-ration, made distinctive with their trade-mark finesse and attention to detail.

trinity\tr“-ni-tee\ 1: a group of three closely related persons or things 2:
three talented designers collectively pursuing a common vision and goals
3: information, environment, identity
for visual communications and
interactive media.

They are also responsible for bringing us ART4SOUL and MAN + GOD (that recently exhibitited at galleriiizu) and has been on the road for 3 years.

Contract Sample

We are unable to tell you how much you charge but we are able to provide you a simplistic sample of how a written contract should be for designers.
Everything from labour fees/quotation costs to deposits from clients and even terms and conditions to protect yourself.

Please arm yourselves with contracts and if anyone is interested in the contract sample and would like to print it out (M.Word) file you can email us at for a copy of it. We hope designers put it to good use.
