Its june. Four years on. 32 teams gather this time in germany to celebrate the most celebrated sport in the world:
watching football. Anyway, us footballcentric designers at de-funk won't be found designining or sleeping at night till July 9th because we won't wanna miss a minute of it.
As much as we'd like to believe that we can muster football tactics as much as we do design we will stick to what we are more fimiliar with. As this is the David Beckham of sporting events watched by gazillion of fans around the world, it is only right that design would play a part in it.
FIFA world cup germany 2006 comes with a slogan 'lets make friends. And as slogans are pretty much logo when visuals are not available the world cup logo pretty much has sticked to the same theme. Smiles from ear to ear. Very welcoming.
Adidas does ever so well with their overall ad campaign. their "Jose+10" that plays along "impossible is nothing" is in another league. Can't help but heaps praises to the people behind it for actually realising the bold claim. kids team picking Zidane, Beckham, Kaka.. Beckenbauer? We bow at them.
Mastercard, clever "football fever: priceless" and Samsung's "it's not so hard to imagine" ad with the cheeky guy selling his world cup tickets to his boss for samsung's 'stunning' plasma ads are just some of the cool campaigns that is tied to the event. We like cool.
Background research told us that the likes of Coca Cola, Yahoo!, Adidas and Nike spent USD$300 million in marketing and advertising during the four weeks of the tournament.
The teams kits has a very retro look about them this year. We think that the Netherland's nike orange, high collar with no trimming together with relevant typography for players name and number is the coolest looking of the bunch. Another outstanding kit is Spain's Adidas red with yellow pinstripes which remind us of of 1980s kits. For the teams to get inspiration from their past perhaps?
hasbullah awang: sekian saja ulasan piala dunia fifa 2006. majulah sukan untuk negara.A.A