Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I've been attending a monthly event called Kakireka recently and its rather interesting as its a monthly platform that has been set up by a group of designers who want to engage, support and organize design events by designers for designers. They are a non-profit group of designers dedicated towards building bridges between designers by providing help, support, action and a voice for the entire design community in MALAYSIA. Anyone interested in design whether you’re a student, graduate, design professionals or enthusiast are most welcome to join in their activities.

They've had some interesting speakers ranging from Jo Kukathas from Instant Cafe (that created eye opening experience of acting workshops on role play and influencing the state of the mind) to Michael Quay from M&C Saatchi, a strategic planner (who gave a small presentation on consumer insight through his experience working with various types of clients)

They are currently taking a break in February, but I heard they will be resuming their sessions in March (every 7th and 21st of every month).



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